
Earth Day Was Taken Seriously by WCHS Science Classes Jenny Vinson – Z93 Country

WCHS students have had a great school year with new teacher Jenny Vinson’ Science Classes. They really stepped up earlier this year for Earth Day! New WCHS teacher Presley Sutton got her art students involved in a paper-making project for the event. WCHS is lucky to have such instructors.

Recycled products shown in the This instead of that table

Science teacher Jenny Vinson shows off the green bags her students made.

Freshman Orri Mills shows off recycled fabrics, non-paper straws, and reusable bags so she can avoid using plastic bags at the grocery store.

Students created exhibitions to educate their classmates

(LR) Brylee Coyle and Gabby McGinnis present their project

Students visited the classroom and the exhibitions

Science teacher Jenny Vinson shows how to make seed bombs

A “Commitment to Reduce Single-Use Plastic” poster signed by students in a high school upstairs hallway

Jenna Vinson’s class picks up trash on campus to celebrate Earth Day