
SA Health staff suspended for allegedly improperly accessing Charlie Stevens’ medical records

In short:

SA Health is investigating allegations that staff “inappropriately” accessed hospital records relating to a patient ABC News has identified as Charlie Stevens, the son of South Africa’s police commissioner.

Ten of the 18 staff investigated have so far been suspended, SA Health has confirmed.

What’s next?

SA Health has apologised to the patient’s family.

South Australia’s public health department has suspended 10 staff members over allegations they “inappropriately” accessed the medical records of a patient ABC News understands is the son of the South Australian police commissioner.

In a statement to the ABC, SA Health deputy chief executive Judith Formston said as a result of the audit, 18 staff members are now under investigation for “potentially inappropriate access to SAHLN (Southern Adelaide Local Health Network) patient records”.

She added that 10 of those employees have been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.

“Any employee who gains unauthorised access to information will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal,” she added.

Charlie Stevens, the son of South Australian Police Commissioner Grant Stevens, suffered irreversible brain injuries in a hit-and-run crash on South Australia’s south coast during a school festival in November.

The 18-year-old was airlifted to Flinders Medical Centre but later died.

The community laid flowers near the crash site in Goolwa.(ABC news)

His death sparked an outpouring of grief across the country, with Charlie’s local sports clubs, school, state and federal politicians all paying tribute and expressing condolences following his passing.

SA Health did not specify where the staff under investigation were working at the time the medical records were allegedly accessed.

The hospital’s medical records system can be accessed from multiple SA Health locations, ABC News reported.

Ms Formston said SA Health was keeping the patient’s family updated on the progress of the investigation.

“Our sincerest apologies to the family for the trauma this has caused,” she said.

“Protecting patients and their private clinical information is an extremely serious matter for us.

“We have robust policies and processes in place to ensure employees have access to appropriate information and conduct audits to ensure compliance with our policies.”

Charlie Stevens was killed after being hit by a car near Goolwa Beach.(Provided by: SA Police)

In a statement to ABC News, a South African police spokesperson said SA Health had been “keeping the Stevens family updated on ongoing investigations”.

“The Stevens family does not wish to comment on the matter,” they said.

South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas said he was horrified by the alleged breach of privacy and that such behaviour would not be tolerated in South Australia’s health system.

“I couldn’t believe it when I heard about it. Audits are done regularly to make sure medical staff aren’t looking at people’s medical records they shouldn’t be looking at,” he said.

“The privacy of medical records exists for a reason.

“Just because you work in the healthcare system doesn’t give you the right to take on other people’s business that isn’t your own.”

In 2016, SA Health committed to quarterly disclosure of the number of SA Health employees disciplined for unauthorised access to medical records.

The decision comes after it emerged that 21 SA Health staff were caught spying and two of them were fired.

Thirteen of them were caught unnecessarily reviewing the medical records of Cy Walsh, who is accused of murdering Phil Walsh when he was coaching the Adelaide Crows.

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