
Hazzard praises campaign boosts South Down majority

Sinn Fein’s Chris Hazzard said his increased lead in the South Down election was a show of support for political campaigning “on the ground” rather than on social media.

In 2019, the SDLP fell 1,600 votes short of unseating Mr Hazzard. This time, it won a majority of more than 9,000 votes, winning 19,698 votes to 10,418 for the SDLP’s Colin McGrat.

As a result, Mr Hazzard, who did not take his seat in the Westminster Parliament because of his party’s abstentionist policy, was elected as an MP for a third time.

Following the election results, South Down said: “This is overwhelming support for our strong leadership, positive change and, most importantly, a different vision for the future.

“For the decisions that affect our lives to be made here in Ireland.”

He added: “I think it also shows that the election is being held on the ground, not on Twitter, and I think it’s a great validation of what’s been achieved so far.”

“This is about jobs for all, about creating positive change, about building a bridge over narrow waters, about fixing our health service and our education.”

Mr Hazzard also said he was delighted the Conservatives gained “no support whatsoever” in the constituency after Conservative candidate Hannah Westropp secured 46 votes.

The result was a disappointment for the nationalist SDLP, which had been hoping for more progress in regaining a seat where it had once been the dominant force.

Colin McGrath said he can hold his head high after his campaign (Oliver McVeigh/PA)

Mr McGrath said he could walk with his head held high after the campaign and election.

He added: “This is an improvement on the Assembly election result of two years ago and shows that there is still a willingness in the South Down constituency to support the SDLP position.”

DUP candidate Diane Forsythe failed to win her party’s support in the constituency, gaining 7,349 votes.