
Tributes to Judge Tipp Elizabeth MacGrath

Tributes continue to be paid to Tipperary District Judge Elizabeth MacGrath, who died yesterday after a short illness.

She was 65 and married to Charles Stanley Smith, current chairman of the Tipperary Local Economic and Community Plan Advisory Group, former chairman of An Taisce and widely known for his community development work with the Tipperary Public Participation Network.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee said it was with “great sadness” that I learned of the untimely death of Judge Elizabeth MacGrath, who had dedicated herself to serving the public since her appointment as a judge in 2007.

She has served as a District Judge for Tipperary since 2012 and I know she will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

I would like to express my sincere condolences to her husband, family and friends for their loss.”

Ms. MacGrath was widely respected by lawyers and the courts for her knowledge of the law, her treatment of litigants and her defense of her profession.

Attorney-at-law Donal T. Ryan describes “Judge McGrat as a very fair and compassionate judge.

The news of her death came as a shock to him and he expressed his sincere condolences to her husband and siblings.

Councillor Anne Marie Ryan says she is “very sad to hear of the death of Judge MacGrath, whom she met when the Court was in session at the Tipperary Excel Centre. Councillor Ryan describes Judge MacGrath as a very good judge, courteous, fair and approachable. We will miss her.”

Solicitor Gareth Noble wrote on social media that “Judge MacGrath was a pleasant and extremely competent judge who had a very clear sense of the right approach.”

Mrs Justice MacGrath, of Nenagh, has been a District Court judge since 2007. Since 2012 she has been assigned to District 8, covering her home county of Tipperary, where she has mainly dealt with criminal cases but has also presided over family law cases.

Judge MacGrath served in Tipperary town for almost ten years, during which time the court was based at the Excel Centre.

She worked as a solicitor for 24 years before her appointment as a judge. Judge MacGrath’s brother, Joe MacGrath, recently retired as Chief Executive of Tipperary County Council, her sister Sharon Kennedy is currently the Council’s Director of Services, while her brother Michael MacGrath is a judge of the Court of Appeal, her other sister is a teacher living in County Wexford.

Yesterday, Judge Cephas Power paid tribute to his colleague at Cashel District Court, with the court observing a moment of silence in her honour.

Judge Power added that Judge MacGrath served with distinction for 16 years and that all who met her were lucky because she was a “wonderful” person. She added that her loss “will be deeply felt by all of us”.

She was president of the Association of Judges and a member of numerous administrative committees. Solicitor Gary Kingston led the tributes on behalf of the legal profession, saying that Judge MacGrath had an excellent knowledge of the law and was highly respected.

“She administered justice with fairness and kindness, and was a true lady.”

Court Clerk Denise Fitzgerald led the tributes on behalf of the Court Service and joined in describing Judge MacGrath as a woman, adding that she would be greatly missed by all staff at the Court.