
Monroe Firefighters Awards Banquet Recognizes Distinguished Service

MONROE, CT — One year removed from its 100th anniversary, the Monroe Volunteer Fire Department celebrated the individual achievements of longevity, active service and outstanding contributions of its firefighters at its annual Awards Banquet and Anniversary Dinner at Vazzy’s Osteria on June 29.

Monroe Fire Lt. George Roelofsen was named the Ryan S. Gardner Firefighter of the Year. Roelofsen completed five years of service this year, during which he earned Connecticut Firefighter I, II and Fire Service Instructor I certifications at the Connecticut Fire Academy.

Roelofsen was one of the fire department’s top responders, responding to more than 110 calls this year, according to Monroe Fire Chief Kevin Catalano.

“He serves as the Chief Quartermaster and was recently promoted to Lieutenant,” Catalano said. “He frequently attends or leads shifts and training sessions, and has also earned his ‘Q’ license and this year qualified to operate our mini-pump. I am pleased to present our 2024 Ryan S. Gardner Firefighter of the Year Award to Lieutenant George Roelofsen.”

Firefighter Zion Ashe was recognized with the Forrest A. Ryan Chiefs’ Award for Distinguished Service.

Firefighter Zion Ashe was recognized with the Forrest A. Ryan Chiefs’ Award for Distinguished Service.

“This member of the fire department has proven to be a reliable firefighter who always performs his duties quickly and with high quality,” Catalano said, presenting the award.

The chief said Ashe, who is also a paramedic, is among the top five responders and has been active on the new Health and Safety Committee, handling a variety of tasks aimed at improving firefighter safety and reducing risk.

Ashe has stepped into the role of assistant quartermaster, often outfitting new members with equipment and helping manage the warehouse, according to Catalano, who said Ashe is an active member of the on-call crew program. A top exercise participant, Ashe earned his Connecticut Firefighter II Academy certification this year.

“For dedication, willingness to help and the ability to quickly execute key initiatives requested by the chiefs, our 2024 Forrest A. Ryan Chiefs’ Award for Outstanding Service goes to Firefighter Zion Ashe,” Catalano said.

Firefighter Ryan Greer received the Lloyd Stevens Member of the Year Award.

Firefighter Ryan Greer received the Lloyd Stevens Member of the Year Award.

“In addition to being our top caller of the year, this member has contributed significantly to the department’s operations and image throughout the year,” Catalano said. “This includes playing a significant role on our Buildings and Grounds Committee, including dedicating his time to improving the appearance of our property and handling a long list of projects, particularly during the first half of the year.”

“He has been very involved in representing the department at public events and has been an active participant in our on-call crew program and training sessions, including qualifying to operate our new mini-pump,” Catalano said. “This member has also stepped up to the plate to co-lead our newly established honor guard program. For his time, dedication and willingness to continually help improve the department, the Lloyd Stevens Member of the Year Award goes to Firefighter Ryan Greer.”

Longevity, top respondents

Monroe Fire Department Capt. Chris Krize (center) is congratulated on 25 years of service by Chief Kevin Catalano (right) and Deputy Chief Joe McNellis.

Monroe Fire Capt. Chris Krize, who has dedicated 25 years of service to the city and the fire department, has been awarded life member status.

“Chris has had a broad impact in streamlining and modernizing the department, including in his current roles as department finance officer, procurement officer, technology/innovation leader, and as a top fire responder,” Catalano said. “Chris is actively involved in nearly every major department initiative and activity.”

Catalano said Krize had the support of his wife Brittany and mother Rose, who attended the banquet.

Krize joined the MVFD as a junior firefighter at age 14, serving as a junior corps captain. He is currently a captain and chief financial officer, as well as a former president, vice president and lieutenant of the department. His Connecticut Fire Academy certifications include Fire Officer I, Fire Service Instructor II and Incident Safety Officer.

Other service milestone recognitions include:

  • Over 50: Former Deputy Chief Tim Marsden (retired)
  • 35 years: Former Fire and Police Captain Ron Deaso Sr. (retired)
  • 30 years: Boss Kevin Catalano
  • 5 years: Lieutenant George Roelofsen and Firefighter Bryan Flores

The top 10 fire call responders were also recognized for their dedication and time spent:

  1. Firefighter Ryan Greer
  2. Boss Kevin Catalano
  3. Bill Davin’s Assistant Boss
  4. Fireman Nick Picon
  5. Firefighter Zion Ashe
  6. Fireman Max Damone
  7. Captain Chris Krize
  8. Deputy Chief Joe McNellis
  9. Fireman Sam Damone
  10. (Tie) Fireman Ben Brown and Lieutenant Jack Sheehan

“We also recognized our top five responders who responded to nighttime fire calls by jokingly rewarding each Insomniac Award winner with a gift bag of caffeinated products to keep them going,” Catalano said. “All kidding aside, responding to these calls in the middle of the night requires a significant level of dedication and commitment, as volunteers have to go to their regular jobs or school the next day.”

Top five rescuers:

  1. Boss Kevin Catalano
  2. Firefighter Ryan Greer
  3. Captain Chris Krize
  4. Fireman Nick Picon
  5. Firefighter Zion Ashe

The Board’s Oath

First Selectman Terry Rooney administered the oath of office to the department before the executive board, whose term will begin July 1:

  • President: Bill Davin
  • Vice President: Matt Jamison
  • Chief Financial Officer: Chris Krize
  • Secretary: Matt Gill
  • Board Member: Bob Klein
  • Boss: Kevin Catalano
  • Deputy Chief: Joe McNellis

In recognition of his support, the fire department gave Rooney a T-shirt with his name printed on it, which Rooney was very grateful for, Catalano said.

First-round pick Terry Rooney with top 10 call-outs.

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