
Failure to recognise and respond to allegations of abuse at East Clare Care Home

An inspection at an East Clare care home found there was a “failure to recognise and respond appropriately to an allegation of abuse”.

Health Information and Quality Authority inspectors found that Lakes Nursing Home in Killaloe “failed to take reasonable measures to protect residents” during a second consecutive inspection
from abuse.”

Lakes Nursing Home is located on Hill Road in Killaloe and provides 24-hour nursing care, as well as catering and activities for up to 57 residents.

The inspection of the centre announced by HIQA took place on 6 March and lasted one day. The inspection was attended by 54 residents.

The provider, Elder Nursing Homes Limited, was found to have “failed to fully implement its own compliance plan following a previous inspection” in which the facility was found to be non-compliant in four areas.

Inspectors heard mixed comments from residents about the care they received. Some described staff as “very good”, while others said they were hesitant to complain about the quality of the service and that the food selection was repetitive.

This time, the HIQA report found the facility was non-compliant in five areas, including management and control and prevention, while it was found to be broadly compliant in three other areas.

The report found that “where an incident or complaint involving an allegation of abuse occurred, it was not recognised as such and therefore no action was taken in line with national safeguarding guidance or regulatory requirements”.

The supplier has provided a comprehensive compliance plan that includes a commitment to provide security training to all employees and develop improvement plans based on security drills.