
Lubavitch Hebrew Academy Students Distinguish in Farher

Students at Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Florida were tested on the knowledge they gained during the year by a rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Marah D’asrah of Chabad of Florida, who was impressed by their level of knowledge. Full Story

Pushing the boundaries of education to bring out the best in our students is what we do at Lubavitch Hebrew Academy. With that in mind, we organized an end-of-year Farher with Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Marah D’asrah of Chabad Florida, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah in Miami, and Rav of Bais Menachem in Miami Beach.

This time-honored tradition of having local yeshiva students tested by regional rabbis creates a bond across generations of Jewish scholarship and underscores the importance we place on student growth and achievement.

Our select group of 6th graders were tested on Masechta Baba Basra, Perek Hameiniach, while our 7th and 8th graders had to answer questions on the entire Masechta Makkos. Both of these are major milestones at such a young age.

Not only the experience itself was inspiring and z’chus, but also the preparations for the event. To quote just three students:
“(Knowing there was another Farher) encouraged me to finish Masechta and learn it really well…”
“The nachas he brought to my parents and teachers made the months of preparation worth it.”
“It was really helpful… for Mesivta and for the rest of my life.”

It is worth mentioning that Rabbi Schapiro also prepared wonderful nachas and was more than pleasantly surprised by the level of knowledge of our students.

Big applause is due to the rabbi Jacob SheinbergerDean of the Faculty of Jewish Studies, who taught and supported students!