
Pedophile cop likely had more victims after 50 boys were sexually abused

As one reviewer admits, the “horrific” grooming and sexual abuse of more than 50 young boys by a former policeman who used his status to treacherously attack his victims over three decades is probably a more common occurrence.

Senior Sergeant Paul Reynolds, taking advantage of his status as a “trusted” member of the Tasmania Police Service and a “much-loved” member of the community, molested and sexually abused as many as 52 boys as far back as 1988, a final independent review of his conduct has found.

Reynolds, who worked for a decade after allegations were first made against him, took his own life in September 2018 while he was under investigation for child abuse allegations.

The report, authored by attorney and former war crimes prosecutor Regina Weiss and published on Thursday, included statements from 87 people, including 15 male victims or their families.

Tasmania Police have accepted recommendations from a report into a paedophile officer. (Rob Blakers/AAP PHOTOS)

Ms Weiss admitted there were likely many more victims of the paedophile police officer who did not come forward.

“I have worked in the field of sexual and gender-based violence for almost 20 years, some of which I have spent in war zones,” she said.

“This is the most spectacular example of one-person interference that I have seen in my career.

“He was a master at this.”

The review found that Reynolds used his belief that he had power as a police officer to influence the outcome of criminal trials involving his victims.

The review found there was no evidence to suggest he tampered with evidence or obstructed the investigation.

On one occasion, Reynolds visited the victim’s home with a “possibly fabricated” police report and told the victim he could make the complaint “go away” if he performed a sex act on her.

“I have never been in trouble with the law, I have kept my place clean and tidy and have always made sure that nothing bad happened to me,” the victim said in the review.

While Reynolds was building trust and bonds in the community, earning nicknames like “top dog,” sports were his hunting ground.

He was heavily involved in football and basketball coaching, refereeing and administration, including serving as President of the Northern Tasmanian Football Association at the time of his death.

As a coach, Reynolds was seen by some as a “father figure and role model.” He claimed to have experience in sports massage and offered families of teenage boys massages for their children.

Others were offered “special training” that unsuspecting parents had no reason to question.

Paul Reynolds offered massages to the boys, claiming he was qualified to do so. (Dale Cummings/AAP PHOTOS)

There is no evidence that Reynolds was accredited in massage or sports therapy, and one victim believed his motive for working in senior positions in the sport was to gain “unrestricted access to football changing rooms”.

Reynolds managed to quietly normalize grooming and sexual behavior by having sexual conversations and keeping secrets with teenage boys.

The review identified shortcomings across sporting organisations after a report of suspected inappropriate behaviour was made to the Northern Tasmanian Football Association board in 2018.

A documents search revealed that this information was not passed on to the police or any other agency.

Ms Weiss made five recommendations, which the police fully accepted, reserving the right to adopt two more, for which the government is responsible.

It recommended the establishment of a recovery program, a collaborative recovery framework for people who have been sexually harassed or abused by officers, the establishment of a victim management team within the Tasmania Police Service and the Government amending the Integrity Commission Act.

It called for greater community engagement with the police and building trust in sports organisations to prevent, identify and report cases of grooming and sexual exploitation.

Police Minister Felix Ellis said the Government would work with Tasmania Police and the Commissioner to consider the recommendations.

The Opposition has called for urgent strengthening of the powers of the Tasmanian Integrity Commission.

As a result of Weiss’ review, Tasmania Police received seven reports relating to other former or serving officers and one report relating to a non-officer.

The report found there was no evidence that active-duty officers committed sexual crimes against children.

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

National Sexual Abuse Compensation and Support Service 1800 211 028

Lifeline 13 11 14

beyond blue 1300 22 4636

Children’s Helpline 1800 55 1800 (for people aged 5 to 25)