
Suspicious death of 49-year-old Muslim in West Bengal’s Lalbagh jail: Family accuses of murder

A 49-year-old Muslim, identified as Muntaj Sheikh, hailing from Durgapur village in Islampur police station area of ​​Murshidabad in West Bengal, died under suspicious circumstances in Lalbagh Jail.

The deceased’s family raises a number of doubts, claiming that their son was murdered.

On Wednesday, June 5, police conducted a night raid in Islamabad’s Durgapur area in search of heroin bars, during which several people were arrested.

Those arrested were taken to the Bekibagan police camp, among them Muntaj. After being produced before the court on Thursday, Muntaj was then sent to Lalbagh sub-jail.

According to police, Muntaj fell ill on Saturday, June 8, and was taken to hospital where he died.

Later, when the body was brought home on Sunday after the autopsy, the family found the condition of the body suspicious and accused the police of beating Muntaj.

Jaherun Bewa, the mother of the deceased, told Maktoob: “After catching my son, the police brought sticks from their car and beat him severely in front of us. Then they took him to the camp and beat him again. My son died after being tortured by the police. They killed my son.”

Lalbagh Sub-Jail Superintendent Samaresh Dey said the prisoner was addicted to drugs, which could have caused him to fall ill in the jail. He was taken to Lalbagh Sub-divisional Hospital, where he died.

The victim’s family claimed that “the police beat him inhumanely. Muntaj died of unnatural torture.”

Mahera Bibi, a relative of the deceased, said: “The police arrested my brother-in-law on Wednesday evening. We were not told why he was arrested. He was severely beaten up that day at Bekibagan camp in Islampur. From there, he was taken to Islampur police station at night. He was killed by the police. We want justice.”

A district police official denied the allegations, saying Muntaj was produced before a judge on Thursday after being arrested on Wednesday and was being held in a detention centre at the time.

“We can’t say what caused the death,” he said.

Abdul Goni Mondal, secretary of the Domkal branch of human rights organisation APDR (Association for the Protection of Democratic Rights), expressed concern over the incident.

“The police are the defenders of the law, but they break it many times. The police are constantly torturing ordinary people. We, human rights activists, are protesting. We will talk to the family of the deceased and provide them with full legal assistance,” he told Maktoob.

Mondal further stated, “We demand that the police officials who tortured him be punished. APDR will issue a deputation to the District Superintendent of Police, if necessary. We also demand a judicial inquiry into the incident.”