
Former Dublin firefighter celebrates 80th birthday with crew from his old unit

Former Dublin firefighter Paddy Delaney with the B Watch crew at Blanchardstown Fire Station

Current members of the Dublin Fire Brigade help Paddy celebrate his 80th birthday

A former Dublin firefighter celebrated his 80th birthday with the crew of his old fire station.

Paddy Delaney served with the Dublin Fire Brigade from 1969 to 1999, spending the last 14 years in Blanchardstown. His family organised a surprise visit from the B Watch crew to mark his big birthday.

Mr Delaney grew up in Sandymount and has five children, 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

“He was in the army for a while before joining the fire service. My brother, who is in the army now, brought him to the station,” Paddy’s granddaughter Jodi told the Irish Independent.

“He absolutely loved it, he talked about what the station was like back then and how much it had changed and modernised since he had been there. It was great to hear him reminisce and share stories about the lads who were with him in B Watch.

Paddy Delaney served with the Dublin Fire Brigade from 1969 to 1999

“I asked him what his favorite thing about being a firefighter was, and he said it was helping people and being able to help them through what could be the scariest situations they’ve ever experienced.

“When we were younger, he would tell us stories, mostly trying to scare us into making sure all the plugs were plugged in and the doors were locked. But his thing is and always has been to be nice and treat people the way you would want to be treated, and your family.

“He was absolutely delighted to be going there, his exact words were ‘it was beautiful’. He thanked my friend who had been able to organise it, saying it was great to be back in a place that held so many happy memories, especially on his 80th birthday.

“He managed to make contact with many former firefighters and was pleased with himself,” she added.