
Woman arrested by privacy watchdog for revealing ex-boyfriend’s details

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) announced on Friday the arrest of a 38-year-old Chinese woman in the New Territories on suspicion of disclosing personal information about her ex-boyfriend without his consent.

The PCPD investigation revealed that the victim and the arrested man had engaged in an intimate relationship in 2019, and that the victim was providing financial support to the arrested man.

Then in October 2023, the couple separated.

A few days later, a sign with the victim’s personal information was placed on the street near the victim’s workplace. Negative comments about the victim also appeared, including a demand for repayment of a debt.

Shortly afterwards, leaflets with similar content were posted in front of the victim’s apartment building and her flat.

A message with similar content was also posted in an open discussion group on the social media platform.

The personal information disclosed included the victim’s Chinese name, approximate age and photos.

The arrested person was granted bail and PCPD will continue to investigate the case.

PCPD reminds members of the public that they should not disclose personal information about others due to property or financial disputes. Doxxing is a serious crime and perpetrators face a fine of up to HK$1 million and five years in prison upon conviction.