
Folsom firefighters make quick work of Silberhorn Dr. Fire – Folsom Times

A quick response by Folsom firefighters stopped a fast-moving brush fire that initially threatened buildings in a Folsom neighborhood Thursday afternoon.

Just before 4 p.m. on the Fourth of July holiday, 911 dispatchers responded to a report of a fire near Morningside Drove and Silberhorn Drive in Folsom, near several residential homes.

Folsom Fire Department units responded to the incident. As units approached, the fire they reported was approximately one-half acre in size and had moderate spread in dry fuels (vegetation) and several structures were immediately threatened.

Incident Command requested helicopter assistance for the incident due to nearby structures and fire conditions. Firefighters were quickly able to stop the fire’s progression and mitigate the threat to the structures.

A total of five units from Folsom were dispatched to the scene, along with one helicopter. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined. Folsom Times photos by Brian Greenwalt.