
Boy in coma after leech enters his body while he plays in water

A young boy is in a coma after a huge leech allegedly entered his body through his anus while he was playing in dirty water caused by the devastating Terengganu floods in Malaysia.

The incident, which took place in the western Malaysian state of Terengganu, was shared on Facebook by Ermawati Ali who asked friends and family for their thoughts and prayers, and said the boy was “in critical condition” after “losing a lot of blood due to a leech that entered his behind”.

According to local media, the boy was playing in dirty floodwaters after a period of heavy rains this week that displaced more than 15,000 people and killed at least two people, including a seven-year-old boy.

After playing in flood water, the boy began vomiting blood and had a large leech removed from him (right). Source: Facebook Ermawati Ali/Australscope

Neighbouring Malaysian state of Kelantan was also reportedly hit by flash floods.

While playing in the dirty water, a leech allegedly entered the boy’s anus and the child, unknowingly, then started vomiting blood, according to reports.

The child’s family rushed him to hospital where the huge leech was detected and removed from the boy’s body.

Local authorities have warned parents to be extra careful with their children as the area remains affected by floodwaters.

He is reportedly still in a coma and in intensive care.

– Australscope

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