
Attorney General’s Office reveals embezzlement of UZS 3.7 billion in salaries and pensions

The General Prosecutor’s Office revealed the misappropriation of UZS 3.7 billion in salaries and pensions, which led to the initiation of 34 criminal cases.


Hayot Shamsuddinov, the spokesman for the PGO, described in detail the measures taken after the Prosecutor General’s address to the public. According to him, increased supervision of programs aimed at employment and creating new jobs was implemented. Investigations showed that 31,087 new jobs were falsely reported, and those responsible were held accountable.

In addition, delayed payments of UZS 966 million for 274 employees were recovered. Proactive actions by prosecutors led to 311 job fairs, which resulted in the employment of 4,312 unemployed citizens. Misappropriation of UZS 3.7 billion in salaries and pensions led to 34 criminal investigations.

In addition, special attention was paid to the quality of construction and the proper use of funds. As a result, 26.6 billion UZS of substandard work and 44.5 billion UZS of overreporting were corrected on site. These supervisory actions led to 32 criminal cases and the recovery of 17.6 billion UZS in compensation to the state.

Shamsuddinov also noted the ongoing systematic actions to combat law violations and crime. These efforts have led to the absence of crime in 61% of the country’s districts (5,763 districts) and stabilization or reduction of crime in 31.2% (2,947 districts). Enhanced supervision in the operational search sector has led to the resolution of 6,880 crimes committed under unclear circumstances and the detention of 3,324 wanted persons.