
UPDATE: East Ridge police officer hit by car during pursuit still recovering after additional surgeries | Local News

UPDATE: An East Ridge police officer who was hit by a car Monday night while trying to end a pursuit is still recovering in a local hospital.

Police say Officer Alan Resendiz was trying to deploy spike strips to stop the pursuit when he was struck by a stolen vehicle driven by the suspect.

Police say the suspect, 22-year-old Ta’Bious Tezmon Wheat, was speeding when he hit Officer Resendiz, causing him serious injuries, including broken and fractured bones.

Resendiz was taken to hospital where he underwent several surgeries.

An ERPD spokesman said it was unclear how long it would be before Officer Resendiz left the hospital.

Donations for Officer Resendiz and his family are being collected through Venmo account which was founded by the wife of a fellow officer.

The pursuit eventually ended and Wheat was arrested.

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PREVIOUS STORY: Local 3 continues to follow the East Ridge police officer who is recovering in the hospital after he was hit during a chase while trying to use his arrest batons.

The treatment and care Officer Alan Resendiz received at the scene ultimately enabled him to recover as quickly as possible and return to duty with the East Ridge Police Department.

East Ridge Police Chief Clint Uselton identified Officer Alan Resendiz and said the suspect is 22-year-old Ta’Bious Tezmon Wheat.

East Ridge Police Chief Clint Uselton said Officer Alan Resendiz’s situation has changed since the incident Monday night.

“He has since undergone at least two surgeries and has more scheduled. We are told that although he is very seriously injured, the prognosis at this point appears to be very good,” Uselton said.

Resendiz was seriously injured and suffered several broken bones.

Despite what Resendiz is going through, Uselton said he is in good spirits.

“I was at the hospital about an hour, hour and a half ago, and I was able to talk to him for a few minutes. He was smiling. His nickname among his coworkers is ‘Smiley,’ because he’s a happy guy who really goes out and helps people and makes things better than when he got there,” Uselton said.

Chief Uselton is grateful that Resendiz’s injuries are not more serious than they already are.

“Obviously, when a guy gets hit by another vehicle going that fast, you hope nothing bad happened,” Uselton said.

The incident shook the department.

“Obviously you’re very concerned about him; our families know each other, so it’s not just Officer Resendiz who’s suffering right now. I saw his wife and children, and they’ve also been through a very traumatic event, as has his fellow officer,” Uselton said.

East Ridge city officials said donations to help Officer Resendiz, who was hit by a suspect, are being collected through a Venmo account set up by another officer’s wife.