
Charges against union leader arrested at PSAC rally dropped

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Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) executive vice-president Alex Silas has been cleared of all charges following his arrest in February during a rally by military base workers.

Silas was arrested by police as non-public funds workers blocked Star Top Road, near Innes Road in Ottawa’s east end, in front of the National Defence Building.

He was charged with a misdemeanour, intimidation by blocking or obstructing a road, disturbing the peace by obstructing, advising to commit an indictable offence that has not been committed and participating in an unlawful assembly.

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Striking workers surrounded a police car following the Feb. 7 arrest of PSAC Director Alex Silas. Photo by Catherine Morrison /Postmedia

In a news release Friday, PSAC said the Crown had dropped all charges, noting the arrest “should never have happened in the first place.”

“These disgraceful intimidation tactics have been used to discourage and instill fear among our members,” said Sharon DeSousa, national president of PSAC. “We have the right to strike, and this union will continue to defend that right.”

Silas said in a press release that he was “pleased with this result.”

“This situation has only strengthened my resolve,” Silas said. “Our fight is a just fight. And we will continue to fight for workers everywhere.”

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