
RBC Brewin Dolphin team abseils off the Forth Bridge for charity

A brave crew from Edinburgh’s RBC Brewin Dolphin recently abseiled off the iconic Forth Bridge to raise funds for Scottish charity Harmeny Education Trust.

The five competitors – Judith Henderson, Audrey Mackie, Jill Somerville, Abigail Housley and Joss Mitchell – raised £4,425. Despite unseasonable summer rain, morale remained high as they tackled the 165ft descent.

“This was an exciting experience for the team and one that will live long in our memories,” said Joss Mitchell, Head of Regional Centre (Scotland and Northern Ireland), RBC Brewin Dolphin. “It was made even more special by the fact that we were able to raise money for such a worthy cause as the Harmeny Education Trust.”

Harmeny Education Trust, RBC Brewin Dolphin Charity of the Year at its Edinburgh branch, provides therapeutic care and education to help children and young people overcome trauma and adversity, discover the joy of learning and lead happy, fulfilled lives.