
Lift my suspension or take legal action – suspended Assin Central NDC Secretary tells party

The suspended Central Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Central Region, Sadique Broni Yeboah, has threatened to take legal action against the party if his suspension is not lifted within three days.

In a letter to the party, Mr Yeboah’s lawyers said his suspension was contrary to the principles of natural justice and due process.

They argued that the party should reverse its decision and provide him with a fair trial because their actions violated Articles 48 and 49 of the party law.

According to the statement, “this is a clear violation of the principle of due process as enshrined in Articles 48 and 49 of the Party’s Constitution and thus violates the principles of natural justice, namely: audi alter partem (listen to both sides). In this respect, your decision is completely null and void and worthless ab initio.”

The statement also said that Mr Yeboah is a loyal member of the party and if any complaints are made against him, the regional government should take disciplinary action as he is the District Officer of the Central Region.

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They disagree with the decision taken by the Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the party.

“The only exception to this rule is when the National Electoral Commission has referred the matter to the National Disciplinary Commission in accordance with Article 48 (6) of the party statute.

“Our client informed us, as confirmed in the letter referred to above, that it was the FEC, not the NEC, that took the decision to suspend him and refer the matter to the National Disciplinary Committee, which is a clear violation of the party’s constitution,” the letter added.

Based on this and other considerations, the NDC member gave the party three days to revoke the decision or take legal action.

“Our client has instructed us to request that you immediately lift the suspension within 3 days and provide him with a fair trial if you deem it appropriate.”

“We would like to inform you that we have received strict and unconditional instructions from our client to take legal action against you in case of failure to fulfil your obligations in this regard,” the letter added.

The suspension came after an important meeting with representatives of the party leadership, the Functional Executive Committee (FEC) and the Assin Central management.

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The meeting focused on the withdrawal of Nurein Shiabu Migyimah as the party’s parliamentary candidate for Assin Central (PC) due to accusations of immoral conduct and anti-party activities.

Mr Mijimaha’s suspension followed an investigation by the NDC Central Regional Functional Executive Committee into complaints made against him, including accusations that he impregnated the wife of the party’s Assin Central Secretary General