
Aubreigh Wyatt’s mother sued for defaming south Mississippi teens over daughter’s death

Aubreigh Wyatt: Aubreigh Wyattan, an Ocean Springs mother, took to social media to falsely accuse four girls of abusing her 13-year-old daughter,

Aubreigh Wyatt committed suicide after exposing herself and her family to dire threats from around the world, according to a complaint filed Tuesday in Jackson County District Court.

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The complaint accuses Wyatt of malicious defamation, libel, and neglect toward the girls. Four sets of parents have filed the lawsuit on behalf of their daughters.

According to the complaint, they are seeking unspecified damages to cover the girls’ medical costs as well as any additional medical expenses incurred as a result of their mental suffering.

The complaints also seek punitive damages and attorney fees. To protect the identities of the minor girls, the Sun Herald has chosen not to name their parents. However, the girls have been identified on social media, and at least one of them has provided the location of the home.

Aubreigh was a student at Ocean Springs High School when her mother discovered she had committed suicide in her bedroom on Labor Day. According to the complaint, Aubreigh died of various causes, including

Antidepressants: ‘She had previously attempted suicide and did not receive adequate medical care…’ Heather Wyatt has shared her grief on social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok following Aubreigh’s death. On Monday afternoon, another court reportedly ordered her to deactivate her social media accounts.

Her TikTok videos have garnered millions of views, thousands of comments, and followers, and have spawned other accounts whose owners are hard to identify.

These accounts used photos and video snippets from Wyatt’s account to blame Aubreigh’s death on harassment and demand action be taken, often prompting harsh words for the alleged attackers.

According to the lawsuit, “the direct and proximate cause of Defendant Heather Wyatt’s false, defamatory, and libelous social media posts was that Plaintiffs’ minor children received offensive and repulsive messages from around the world attacking them, calling them vulgar names, sexualizing them, etc.”

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“These young ladies were in the eighth grade!!”Aubreigh Wyatt