
Michael Moore Calls for Joe Biden to Step Down; Calls Campaign ‘Elder Abuse’

Let’s add one of the most political filmmakers in America to the list of people calling for Joe Biden to step down as the Democratic presidential candidate.

Oscar winner Michael Moore published an article on his website in which he asked the president to “not let his supporters force him to do what his body wants him to do.”

Then, on his podcast, Moore called Biden’s release onto the debate stage last week “the most vile form of elder abuse I’ve ever been forced to watch… Who would send an 81-year-old man on stage to debate a live monster at 9 o’clock at night for a fight that wouldn’t end until 10:42 p.m.?”

He then pleaded with the president: “Let the doctors examine you. Then do what is right.”

Moore’s proposed successor? Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Be the man who not only stopped Trump, but also the courageous man who put the first woman in the Oval Office,” he urged. “She will fulfill your mission — and we will stand by her.”

Biden, for his part, this morning insisted that he will not only stay in the race, but win.

Others in Hollywood are not so sure.

After calling for President Biden to “step down” over the weekend, Rob Reiner tweeted, “If we watch Joe Biden appear on Morning Joe every day through November 5th, he will be able to silence people like me who think he should step down.”

Meanwhile, author Don Winslow, who has been a staunch supporter of Biden since the debate, criticized Reiner for changing his mind.

“It took you all of 24 hours to change your mind and retract your tweet,” Winslow wrote on X, where he shared Reiner’s post. “The only problem is that your “resign” tweet was seen by 5.1 million people, and your tweets about retracting whoops were seen by 400,000 people.